Useful Art for Communities

Community project by Sarafina Kimø


What is Fer.mentor.skab

Ferment: the culinary practice of using microbes to transform ingredients into new products, often more flavourful, nutritious and with longer shelf-lives

Mentor: A person who guides you. In this community, we seek to be mentors for each other, each teaching what we can offer. 

Skab: Danish word that means ‘to create’ or ‘cupboard’. The goal of this community is to create a collective base of knoledge and fermentation starter the local community can draw upon. 

The project started in November 2023 and consists of weekly gatherings facilitated by Sarafina. 

The gatherings meets to collaboratively learn fermentation techiques, learns sustainable food practices and eat some of the results together! 

Years ago, when Sarafina was trying to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle, she learned to forage edible plants and to ferment kombucha.
Since then she has experimented with a large variety of ferments and partecipated to different workshops. 
She loves the experience of co-creation. Particularly, one  where the participants are actively bringing their unique insights and gifts, and there is room for experimenting and learning something new.
If this sounds like something for you: join us in the Facebook group to find inspiration for sustainable food practices, to learn to make your favourite fermented food, or to share your knowledge and resources with others trying to live sustainably or follow us on our Instagram page for more updates and next events!